Medical and Pregnancy Leaves

Medical and Pregnancy Leaves

Medical and Pregnancy Leave Protections

The California Family Rights Act (CFRA) provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to care for their own serious health condition or a family member with a. serious condition, or to bond with a new child. To be eligible for CFRA leave, an employee must have more than 12 months of service at an employer of five or more full- or part-time employees, and have worked at least 1,250 hours for that employer in the 12-month period before leave begins. 


Pregnancy disability leave (PDL) provides eligible employees who are disabled due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition job protected leave or accommodations while the employee is actually disabled, up to four months. 


After CFRA leave, the employee is guaranteed a return to the same or a comparable position and can request the guarantee in writing. If the same position is no longer available, the employer must offer a position that is comparable in pay, benefits, shift, schedule, location, and working conditions, unless the employer can prove no such comparable position exists. An employee is not entitled to reinstatement if the employee would have otherwise been laid off or terminated for reasons unrelated to their leave.

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Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

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IMPORTANT INFORMATION – Please Read: Our firm offers a free, over-the-phone initial consultation. During your consultation we will obtain information about your case which will be reviewed by our attorneys to determine if you have a matter our firm is willing to pursue. We cannot comment about the facts of your case or provide legal advice until and unless our firm is officially retained as counsel through an attorney-client agreement.

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